Wednesday 2 March 2011

Crappy Film Clichés: THE FUCKING CAR WON'T START!!!!!!!

The Car Won’t Fucking Start!!!!!

This cliché has become notorious in horror films. The scene: you’re being chased by the villain or creature. You enter a car, the killer is gaining on you. You put the key in and attempt start the vehicle (Oh and that’s another cliché when the character drops the fucking keys.......... WHAT AN IDIOT!!!). You keep turning the key, but the engine won’t start. 
Then JUMP SCARE!!!!!!!!!! the villain smashes through the window. OR you manage to start the car, and get away. But, then the guy is in the back seat...... somehow? (You figure that one out!). OR you crash into some random obstacle (a tree, a randomly placed pile of boxes), which makes the whole scene completely POINTLESS!!.
This cliché is stupid, overused and is so predictable. Find a bicycle or bloody run. 

Which brings me onto next week's Film cliché:  Hint: Frodo, I'm looking at you!!!. 

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